I’ve said this on here before, but I’m going to say it again. I think we are in the middle of a major party realignment, and the next 4-10 years will determine the direction of the 60 years after that.
The Democrats have always been six parties in a trenchcoat, and so that’s not going to be a huge surprise.
The GOP right now, though... the last 55 years or so in the GOP have been a pretty firm alliance between racist Evangelicals (the racist modifies the type of Evangelical, not all Evangelicals) and people who want fewer regulations and taxes.
And I think Trump’s end of term has the potential to cleave those groups in two.

Thing is, people who like fewer regulations love a little racism, because it gives them a permanent pool of workers who are undervalued by everyone around them.
What is really really bad for business? Is a nationwide civil war.

God damn does Jeff Bezos not want people blowing out power stations in the name of Donald J. Trump. And now that they’re seeing the logical conclusion, they’re like “whoa, Nelly!”
Power and alignment are very much in flux, and they will be until we come to another uneasy truce where we pretend once again to be nine parties under two trenchcoats.
This is why, at this moment, we must do everything we can to make sure that *everyone* is being heard.

If we let them voter suppress the hell out of the next election, the power-compromises that will get brokered will be at the expense of those not heard.
And they know it, too. Stacey Abrams and the Georgia coalition have scared the shit out of them, because they know it’s replicable.

They’re going to be laser-focused on voting.
So we need to:

1) Defend the franchise, and shore up resources in voter-suppressed states to get the vote out;
2) Pass bills like S. 1, the For the People Act of 2021; and
3) Pass key legislation like a $15 minimum wage, because the GOP has spent the last 30 years telling their base the Democrats are coming for their guns, and I guarantee you if we can say they’re going to be coming for their money, that will turn out the vote.
Now is not the time for timidity. The iron’s hot. Strike it.
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