This morning the Hollywood Media District BID (yellow-shirts) showed up at a camp in Hollywood with the intent on doing a "clean-up".

The BID supervisor, Ayana, rudely entered the camp and began kicking unhoused people's property into the street.
She claimed that anything not in tents was trash, which obviously isn't true, legally or socially. She even tried to claim that someone's crutches that were lying in the gutter immediately outside their tent was trash.
Ayana then body-blocked one of our members so that she could order the young people working for Clean Streets LA to trash the property that she stole.
Not only that, but the BID was openly collaborating with a local fascist and landlord that has threatened violence against unhoused people generally.

Why has the BID targeted this camp for harassment and robbery?
Because gentrifying developers want to re-develop this block. Immediately behind this camp, a gentrifier wants to build a massive luxury mixed-use hotel, residential, and business complex, with over 300 units.
A significant step in that gentrification process, is socially cleansing the area of unhoused people and camps. Landlords are able to privatize public space via the BID (+ SAN/cops), and weaponize these orgs against people forced to live in public space on a few feet of concrete.
This Business Improvement District (BID) actually spends $625k / year on shit like this, 51% of their budget, which is mainly harassing or removing unhoused people from public (or private) space for the benefit of the business/landlord owner class.
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