0/ Welcome to your weekly covid + child care update. It’s a week filled with hope and optimism with Biden taking office! Finally, we have an adult in charge and some actual plans. I feel like we have all collectively breathed a sigh of relief.
1/ But before you start celebrating too much, I’m going to give you a bit of a reality check. We REALLY have our work cut out for us. The work starts now.
4/ On the flip side, based on @Winnie data, child care is being used more than ever. Parents are ready to have their kids back and the ones with kids of daycare/preschool age are able to.
6/ Because we can’t vaccinate kids for awhile, we should be moving to vaccinate adults much faster so we can reduce the spread in the population. Things are still way too slow in many states. (👀 GAVIN NEWSOM)
7/ Finally, this report just came out today on how child care preferences have changed during the pandemic. It found covid health & safety is the most important factor now when choosing a provider - data we diligently collect on @Winnie 🙌 https://bipartisanpolicy.org/event/parent-child-care-preferences-are-they-changing/
8/ Have a great weekend! And stay safe. This thing is far from over.
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