The replies are 🤦‍♀️. Having grown up while the right-wing media market developed and later studying communications, these people have a *very* glamorized view of Fox News' early days.
1980: CNN launches
1984: Rush launches show in Sacramento
1987: Fairness Doctrine dies
1988: Rush moves to NYC & is syndicated nationally
1994: First blog is created
1996: Fox News launches
1997: Drudge Report & Free Republic launch
2001: Instapundit launched
My parents didn't have Fox until about 1997, but the early days were fairly boring. There were huge time blocks without shows, so they broadcast old 20th Century Fox newsreels from black & white movies.

It was a lot of Tony Snow, Brit Hume & Hannity & Colmes.
There is no direct line of history to right-wing media. It wasn't new or innovative. It was a return to a fragmented media environment that existed from Gutenberg to the invention of TV.
Our living memory only goes back to the TV age, so we assume that's how media is "supposed" to be. With only 3 networks, news was very controlled.

Ted Turner changed that in 1980 with CNN. Rush created modern talk radio, but Turner created cable news.
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