As we watch Jason Kenney appear on FOX News to plead Keystone XL's case, indulge me in a few thoughts about how this might have gone differently. First, let's wind the clock back to March, when the Government of Alberta plunked down $1.5 billion on the project.....
What should it have done differently, short of interfering in the US election on Donald Trump's behalf?

First, it should have set aside its legal challenge of the federal carbon tax, and committed to implementing its own economy-wide carbon tax. That's step one.
Step two? Shut down the Allan inquiry and the War Room. They're both embarrassments to Alberta and the industry they purport to be defending, and they make it clear that this government is more interested in finding enemies than finding allies.
Step three? Legislate the 100 megatonne emissions cap that the previous government first proposed. Make it clear that Alberta's focus is on reducing emissions rather than increasing production -- and that any production increase will come in the form of low-emissions barrels.
And step four? Stop telling people that Alberta's oil is more ethical than Saudi Arabia or Russia's. We know that. They know that. But that's not good enough any more. And with climate at the top of everyone's agenda, emissions are what really drives the conversation.
None of this would have harmed the industry or the people who work in it. If anything, it would have put them on sounder footing. But it almost certainly would have hurt Jason Kenney's political standing. And that's what this is really all about -- all it's ever been about.
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