We know many are excited for the environmentalism emphasis of the Biden administration. While there are applications we look forward to seeing promoted, we do not expect water purification to be one of them.

Here's why:

#water #waterpurification #waterfiltration #cleanwater
We've worked with environmental groups for long enough to see different administrations come and go. We've seen different emphases come and go, too, and are happy to see wind and solar power still being prioritized.

But water never quite makes the cut.
We know clean water matters. We know concerns over aging infrastructure come to mind when people think of the Flint, Michigan water crisis. We know there's increasing awareness of just how much damage biofilm does, but water is always the next thing, never the now thing.
Even in environmental circles (investors, cleantech groups, etc.) water is always something to get to later. We're told water is the new oil, the new gold, but the interest and the investment never follow... not even from groups that say they value it the most.
Doesn't stop us (SpiroFlo) from working in wastewater, agriculture and hydroponics, water purification, biofilm mitigation, increasing oxygenation, pumping, but we look forward to the day when water is no longer the bridesmaid of the environmental world.

#hydroponics #biofilm
What will it take for water to get the attention it should? Likely deeper droughts, increased scarcity and regulation, & more incidents like Flint: all things we don't want to see, yet innovation often stems from need.

Here's to the day when we know how much we need clean water.
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