The next four years are going to be tricky for progressives because we're very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as they say. But I encourage all of us to pick battles wisely, use energy wisely, and know when to push and when to pull fellow progressives.
We're VERY good at losing midterms. I get the anxiety about that. But if you're not looking at the EOs this week and saying, "fantastic, what's next?" and you're instead saying "don't be proud of what's been done in 2 1/2 days", I think you're missing the bigger picture.
I'm not an elections person, so maybe I'm off on this. But to me, it's clear from 2018-2020 that progressive platforms win. And so we should be aggressively chasing a progressive platform. Including taking away Mitch's power to sadturtle all over it.
But I really believe in celebrating what's been done. Is Biden the most progressive candidate we've ever elected? No, not really. Has he been pushed AND pulled to the left? Yes, absolutely. He and Harris ran on *the most progressive platform from a major party in US history.*
And we've seen him already acting on that platform! A Catholic President is rescinding a dangerous rule about NGOs & abortions. He is pushing to abolish private prisons.

Yes, let's hold him to it! But we lose nothing by *celebrating* and *applauding* the work that got us here.
You can applaud and work at the same time. You can be grateful for the changes this Admin has already made in its approaches to decision making AND hold their feet to the fire. We must do both. It is the way forward.
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