I just spit into a tube for my employer. So my keycard would be "unlocked" and I could get into my very own office. Where my property has been for very many months. Now yeah, I guess #COVID19 means this is just what #workers do now. But here are #disability implications:
-- my spit, which has my DNA of course, is now a QR code
-- my employer now has access to my DNA
-- my employer now knows I'm on #opiates
-- my employer now knows I'm on #Lexapro
-- my employer now knows things about me that I don't even know about me b/c I've never given DNA
In return for this enormous amount of data I've just given my employer, what do I get? Access to my property, that is, my #poetry books, my #journals, my mementos from across a decade & etc
So basically: nothing. I suppose I get a job, but thank g-d my job does not require me to be in my office (I realize this is super privileged & lotsa disabled ppl are working in exposed environments, that's a diff convo).
I'm writing this just as a record. It was very easy. It was highly peer-pressured. I asked around: "I don't want to spit for my employer. Will you let me in the building?" and peers: "It's really easy. There's not even a line. Just go spit so your card works."
How many times will I be doing this for my employer? 1/week. Yeah. I'll be giving this employer my DNA once. every. week. until. further. notice.
Why does this concern me? Well, for one thing I've been in meetings where I asked questions like: "But how are we getting consent from the poor populations who are giving us this data, under these terms, when really we plan to use the data under these other terms?"
"Oh, it is for the greater good," I was told. As in: the poor populations don't need to know. As in: we know what's best for the poor populations. And who is that royal "we"? Medical. #MedicalTwitter #AcademicTwitter
So this is a call for people to actually start telling us what we are being required to do, what rights we are willingly, even eagerly, giving up, in order to have #access to our own property. #DisabilityTwitter Let's be at least aware & vigilant as we give our rights up.
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