hey remember when I said "it's not an ideology, it's a set of practical habits that disguises itself as an ideology, and it spreads by people approaching it as if it was ideology, and in rationally taking it apart to "understand" and "disprove" it, they internalise the behaviour" https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1352726323077197830
so by you know, engaging with it and "fighting it" your fingers get cought in a chinese finger trap and the more you rationally wrestle with it and disprove it, the more you get locked into it
and then because you've engaged so much with it and grown so accustomed to thinking in these (wrong)(stupid)(haha who could even believe this it's so wrong and stupid my enemies must be idiots) patterns, that you just, form a habit of thinking in those patterns
and then before you know it, you complain that there's a racism on your shitty merchandise because now YOU're afraid you'll get caught with your pants down
just something to think about
hey why is it that even the most stupid YouTube "discussion" atheist debaters can "figure out" how the ideology works and spend ten years disproving & owning them. how come they can figure it out and know more about it, than the actual "believers" and defenders of the ideology
haha did you know blue hair is actually an evolutionary design that shows danger and poision? hahaha this plant is definitely poisonous I am not going to eat it, I will just sit here for a bit and own it in rational debate
ya got scammed kid now they're gonna eat ya up
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