Jay did another great interview today with @WallStreetRprtr breaking down some of the important details for understanding recent news and next steps for $VSBGF


Intel was $VSBY largest customer of 2020
- Relationship is becoming more commercial
- Big companies are the one’s driving disclosure
- Look for two major initiatives in the short term
- Will be doing a lot of rev with them in 2021

Sky Packets = wifi networks for city centers

Sky packets have active networks with clients - Google, Samsung, City of New York

Next layer for wifi networks is security which they get through $VSBY

Will generate rev Q1 with well known customers!!

$VSBY now has a workable, tested, and scalable model for security network and deployments after first implementation in Mexico

- Now jurisdictions that used to not be able to afford can
- Scaling ability is facilitated by partnership with Intel

Westrock is biggest advertiser in the world but all print/analog
- Now $VSBY is their digital arm
- Connects them to some of the biggest clients in the world

Many other advertisers are coming to VSBY for strategic partnerships to get new/competitive digital advantage

$VSBY Widely agreed that point of sale/ store as media is some of the most valuable advertising space = see an ad, grab the product 🧠🔥

Advertisers want to be able to offer that to clients

Modelorama total deal alone in first 5 years = $300- $350M

more to come

At this point you all know my thoughts on this. Only a matter of time until the market reflects the value that is clearly here.

$VSBY is already a global leader in camera based AI and is going to be profitable in 2021

Iron hands for me holding this one.

You can follow @Great_MrStocks.
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