So disturbing. @jim_rutt is a patriot, student of history and a complexity scholar--former Santa Fe Institute Chairman, organized Game~B to re-imagine governance and save the west from collapse, hosts the non-ideological 'Jim Rutt Show'. (Jim also coined the term "snail mail"!)
He has now been booted from Facebook--without explanation, being told there is no possibility of being reinstated. That is exactly what happened to me, and similar to what happened to @jgreenhall (Game~B founder, now like me restored to FB with unofficial, nonsense explanation).
Apparently Jim's elimination from Facebook came at the same time the two other admins of the Game~B Facebook group were thrown off.
This is Game-A fighting dirty. Tech-platforms want you to think their plan is the purging of conservatives. That should alarm everyone, irrespective of ideology. It's unpatriotic madness! But many will turn a blind eye because they put the blue team ahead of the nation.
They're 'idea-laundering' this power-grab through the academy, grafting liberals onto the "far right" without rhyme or reason--feeding their conclusion in as an assumption, extracting justification. Our platforms allow us to reveal this corrupt process--hence their odd antipathy.
This isn't about conservatives. Never was. It's about purging anything that threatens control over narrative. Those focused on corruption, capture, propaganda, those who attempt journalism, speak of duopoly or who challenge "science" policy with the scientific method are targeted
Make no mistake. Game~B is visionary and progressive. Its only objective is the liberation and betterment of citizens. It will be driven off social media so Game-A doesn't have to face it in a fair fight.

We saw exactly the same pattern with the #Unity2020 initiative on Twitter
I won't even attempt to complete that list of liberals and centrists who's heterodox approach has awakened an audience the social media platforms seek to lull back into sleep.
I also haven't listed any of the honorable conservatives co-jeopardized, though many are friends. My point here is that the cover story (purging conservatives in the interest of progress), despicable, insane and unpatriotic as it is--is a lie. This is power protecting itself.
They are making war on heterodoxy and pretending--likely even to themselves--that they are doing it in the interest of what's right. It's time to fight back. Follow heterodox voices across as many platforms and protocols as you can. And get ready to seek them in the wilderness.
You can follow @BretWeinstein.
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