I will continue the dig and add in thread
More Illuminati symbolism depicting Jewish Freemason Moses as he gives Satan's Ten Commandments to the world.
Entries for "Christ" and "Christ Jesus" appear on page 30 of the Catholic Bible Dictionary towards the beginning of the book
Entries for "Jesus Christ", "Jesus or Josue" and "Jesus" appear on page 60 of the Catholic Bible Dictionary
Graphics depicting the Jewish Masonic Sorcerer Moses turning his rod into a snake before Masonic Egyptian Royalty, and Moloch - the god of the Semitic Jewish Freemasons who attend Bohemian Grove - can be found on page 77
A graphic depicting the Jewish Freemason Moses communicating with a fire can be found in the Scripture Illustration section. Moses' walks with his companion named "Josue or Jesus" bearing the Jewish Law, which benefits (you guessed it) (1)
(you guessed it) those who run the Jewish governments of the New World Order (2)
The lower graphic on the next page depicts the patron saint of Freemasonry John writing the Book of the Apocalypse to the Protestant Churches (scan #0300). Notice the Jewish menorah, the symbols of the Alpha and the Omega, and the strange Jesus-like figure(1)
(The anti-Christ) standing above what appears to be a symbol frequently used for the Papacy
Several graphics depicting the life of the Illuminati's replacement Jesus illustrate him using the Masonic "M" hand sign
This Illuminati Haydock Bible naturally promotes the "Lord's Prayer", which is a prayer to Satan
Jewish Freemason Moses is caught playing with his snakes again in a Masonic Egyptian meeting hall
The Jewish "Mary" is promoted as the mother of the Freemasons' lord, the Jewish Masonic Jesus
The Satanic "Our Father" Prayer is featured in what appears to be gold laced ink
Expensive printed images in this book feature the son of Satan flashing the Masonic "M" hand sign
Attempting to impersonate God, the Masonic Jesus again flashes the Masonic "M" hand sign
The Masonic Jesus again is shown flashing the Masonic "M" hand sign
Graphics containing additional hand contortions into that Masonic "M" hand sign are scattered throughout this Bible
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