1/ While some members of the criminal conspiracy just uncovered wanted to execute "arrests" for "treason"—defined by the plotters as any meeting to certify Biden's victory—others clearly sought murder, planning to "seal" members of Congress underground and then "turn on the gas."
2/ "A ring of dozens coordinated their movements as they 'stormed the castle' to disrupt the confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral college victory."

According to the Washington Post, as many as 30 or 40 plotters may have been involved in the January 6 operation.
3/ Don't be confused by these pro-Trump plotters' willingness to kill all of Congress—their goal was to ensure that Biden was not certified as president, and that the Trump presidency continued. Eliminating Congress would allegedly have given Trump grounds to enact martial law.
4/ It's articles like this one that remind me that we should be very, very wary when Republicans say we already know all we need to know to have a second impeachment trial of Donald Trump. The truth is that every day we are learning more about what January 6 was really all about.
5/ Not only did these pro-Trump plotters claim that they'd specifically trained for their storming of the Capitol, but they were in touch with one another through radio communications during their assault on January 6.

These people had a very clear plan they intended to execute.
6/ Rep. Jason Crow made an absolutely critical point today, which is that while Trump's January 6 speech will be critical to his second impeachment trial, his and his agents' acts of incitement following the election were near-daily, and helped produce the January 6 insurrection.
7/ Arguably it might've benefited Trump to have a quick trial focused just on January 6. As it is, by mid-February House managers will be able to put together a historically damning case about everything Trump and his agents did after the November election he lost in a landslide.
8/ With each day, Trump and Giuliani's *coordinated effort* to ensure the attack on the Capitol could go on as long as possible without interruption by the Guard or a statement from the White House is looking more and more suspicious. It's hard to believe they didn't want mayhem.
9/ I understand why this story got buried; it came out hours before Biden became the nation's 46th president, and media—for that matter, America—understandably wanted to experience a moment of good cheer. But now we have to talk about the terrifying truth behind the insurrection.
10/ We must know why Boebert was giving tours to potential insurrectionists the day before the insurrection. We must know why the QAnon Shaman was at Trump's January 4 Georgia rally. And why Trump's political director spoke to Mo Brooks the day before Brooks incited insurrection.
11/ We have to know why "Stop the Steal" activist Ali Alexander says he has info on private Trump calls to Arizona GOP officials—and why the Arizona GOP asked Republicans if they were ready to "die" for Trump. We must know if Stone was in contact with Proud Boys pre-insurrection.
12/ We have to know why Michael Flynn's brother Charles—who is not in the chain of command on January 6—was in the room on that day when the Pentagon refused to send the National Guard to the Capitol to rescue Congress. We have to know who Michael Flynn spoke to pre-insurrection.
13/ We have to know why Rudy Giuliani told the mob on January 6 that he needed them to buy Trump time to gather evidence of election fraud—then called Senator Tuberville in mid-insurrection and asked him to fraudulently challenge *10* states as a strategy to cause a longer delay.
14/ We must know why, as he watched the Capitol be attacked on January 6—threatening Congress and his vice president—Donald Trump was, per various media reports, "pleased," "delighted," "excited," "a little bit happy" and "borderline enthusiastic." What did he think would happen?
15/ In England they still remember the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605—415 years ago. A gang of insurrectionists planned to kill the King and every member of Parliament.

For how long should America remember a plot to kill all of Congress and the vice president at the Capitol?
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