We are not your props we are not your props we are not your props we are not your props https://twitter.com/StephTaitWrites/status/1352723844532826112
Genuinely every time I see "living true prolife" from a progXtian I feel the same kick in the shins I do when an evangelical screams that "adoption is an alternative" to abortion

Adoptee rights are human rights and I cannot bear the way white 'progressive' folks talk about us
It is not better to use your child as a prop for Christian values because you're a "progressive christian" and not bludgeoning people with a bat made of your LITERAL CHILD'S trauma to end abortion access.

You're still using us as a stick. You're still punching down.
You're still taking YOUR narrative and imposing it on a child, on the thousands upon thousands of us adopted and grown and hurt every time you open your mouths

You're no better than the christians across the aisle you position yourself against

You're still causing harm
But hey you look good doing it! You're so shiny and pretty and you have a ~chosen family~
(Language you've appropriated from queerness)

You're so ~woke~ bc you've got a Black child whose culture you deny them access to

But hey god fucking forbid you examine your intentions
I will die on the hill that adoption is inherently harmful and that the VAST majority of adoptive parents have never examined themselves and their motives, and will never do the work required to keep that harm at a minimum

This is bc adoption is still seen as a net good, always
We STILL frame it as "poor unwanted child RESCUED by loving Christian parents"

Nevermind the predatory nature of an industry built around the destruction of families deemed unworthy of help by a worldview that punishes those icky poors
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