The new Biden administration will have to tackle domestic extremism. A lot frankly, wild, suggestions are being floated around on the Hill and media interviews. If I may, here’s a few policies that I would suggest to consider. 1/x
1. Reporting. Require a yearly public report on the number of ongoing domestic terrorism (DT) cases. DT is a catch all phrase. Require the report break it up by groups or ideologies.
2. Post Fort Hood attack, FBI signed an MOU with dod requiring they disclose international terrorism cases involving military. Do the same for domestic. Also include cases with former military
3. A domestic terrorism commission. With some investigative teeth and stature. Public hearings, quarterly reports so it doesn’t lose momentum
4. You don’t necessarily need new organizations built up. Consider increasing the national counterterrorism center’s resources and authorities. They’ve already have the info sharing structure in place
5. Avoid creating a policy Czar on domestic terrorism. But If you must, make sure the bureau and DHS expressly sign on and agree to play ball before appointing.
6. This seems niche but it’s not: Review of bureau priorities and resources, particularly as it relates to the use and size of online undercover operations for domestic terrorism.
7. This may run counter to recommendation 1 but you can square the circle. Folks, especially in the domestic context, float between ideologies. You can’t necessarily bucket them cleanly. Create a investigative and analytical structure to accepts that.
8. Domestic terrorism is a misnomer. It’s increasingly internationalize with overseas links including travel and money. So don’t create too many silos of domestic v. international
9. Follow the money. Existing Structures are in place to do it comprehensively for international terrorism like ISIS. Less so for domestic terrorism.
10. Focus early on groups. Organized groups tend to be more lethal. There’s plenty of examples this year of what happens when groups form without an early knock on the door from law enforcement.
11. Domestic extremism issues are ripe with third rail of politics of civil rights and govt overreach. I doubt there is much appetite for sweeping changes on the Hill. So figure out small changes at existing structures that can have an outsized results.
12. One last one. Nothing is more frustrating than the FBI saying there’s 1,000 active DT investigations. Break it down between full field investigations, preliminary, and assessments. If it’s 900 full investigations we have an issue, if it’s 900 assessments, then manageable.
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