This thread is a ridiculous and privileged take on the Elastic relicense, and here's why. They can't retroactively change the license. So the code you contributed then is still freely yours to use along with ALL the other code in ElasticSearch you didn't write! Some real talk...
This, again, is why permissive licenses are so great. You're free to take all the versions after your contribution right up to the license change. And you can create a fork. Or create a competing business. Or save the world. But here's the thing.
Elastic doesn't owe you open and permissive licensing in perpetuity. They owe it to you at the time of contribution, which lives on to now. The idea that just because you contributed a few lines or even hundreds of thousands gives you permission to tell them what to do is absurd.
Take your code. And take all of theirs they wrote for years out in the open. The griping that "they changed and we trusted them!" isn't helping you or anyone. Things change, but the beauty of permissive licensing is you have the freedom to take ownership. So do it. But...
Don't complain about Elastic owing you something forever. On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone (and every project) drops to zero. Be happy that it's within your power (and AWS) to take things forward without them.
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