Is She Into You, or Is She Just Watching Your VODs To Learn Movement?
what if i just made my brand Reductress but Speedrunning
QUIZ: Is This PB Actually Bad Or Are Your Standards Unreasonable?
Wow! This Trick Saves Half a Second But Takes Three Years Off Your Life!
"I Think It Might Be Faster If You Try This" Says Person in Chat Who Doesn't Run This Game and Hasn't Played It Since 2007.
REPORT: "This Game is Terrible" Says Speedrunner Who Hasn't Played Literally Anything Else Since Quarantine Started.
Scientists Announce 6th Love Language: Leaving You Alone While You Grind Out ILs for Three Days Straight
OPINION: Should We Really Delete The Leaderboard Times of Abusers Who Drove Others to Delete Their Leaderboard Times? Where Will It Stop?
Heartbreaking! Speedrunner Started Running This Game Four Days Ago and Still Doesn't Have a Top 10 Time
Wow! Speedrunner Whose Parents Said Video Games Would Get Them Nowhere Now Spends More Money On Emote Commissions Than They Make Off Subs!
Sorry I Lead You On by Saying Hi to You In Chat
Aww! Funny Split Name Masks How Bad Your Gold Time Is!
Heartbreaking! Viewer Count Will Never Feel Like Enough No Matter How Far You Come!
OPINION: I'm Going to Complain Endlessly About Twitch Removing PogChamp Because The Million Other Horrible Things Going On in the World Don't Affect Me
QUIZ: Are You Stuck In Reset Hell, or Are You Just Depressed?
How to Avoid Telling Your Therapist About the Hobby You Spend All Your Time On Even Though You Tell Her Literally Everything Else About You
Wow! This Speedrunning Community Somehow Managed to Turn Every Single Trick Into an Unpronouncable Five Letter Acronym!
"It's Dumb That GDQ Added Pronoun Badges" Says Man Who Watches Hours of Free Content Produced by Community That Is Way More Queer Than He Could Ever Imagine
Oh No! Random Person in Twitch Chat Thinks You Care About Their Game Knowledge!
"Sorry I'm Out of It Today" Says Runner for Fifth Straight Day In a Row
Disaster! Co-worker Has Learned Your Twitch Username and Now You Can Never Stream Again!
"Hey, a PB Is a PB!" Says Dumbass Friend Who Clearly Doesn't Understand How Shit That Run Was
Speedrunner Who Thinks It's Too Hard to Remember They/Them Pronouns Has No Problem Listing Every Single Collectable In Game
Heartbreaking! Trick Is Frame Perfect
REPORT: Community Member Values 28x28 Pixel Image Over Your Comfort
"I Stream With the LGBTQIA+ Tag As an Ally" Says Runner Who Would Have Called You Slurs In High School
Man Feeling Uncomfortable After Not Hearing "Let's Go, Boys" For Entirety of Frame Fatales Event
Phew! Break-up Was Actually Just a Warp, Relationship Still Okay!
Oh No! Honeymoon Phase with New Speedgame Over, Now You Have To Practice!
Wow! This Runner Put More Effort Into One Week of Routing Than Four Years of Undergrad!
Man Who Says It Will "Take Some Time" to Get Used to Using Your Pronouns Learned Massive Reroute in Two Days
Yikes! Man Who Thinks Women Have It Easier on Twitch Isn't Being Sarcastic
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