Who else wants to know when Lev Parnas gets to bring down Rudy Giuliani, Devin Nunes, William Barr, and Donald Trump?⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know more about that four-year investigation into the Trump inauguration fund? Why is it taking so long? Where did all that money go? Why did they set other people up to hide the money? Where is Tom Barrack? What did Melania and Ivanka know?
Who else wants to know more about all those state officials Trump pressured to overturn elections in his favor? William Barr did a lot of unethical and likely illegal junk for Trump. Who else in the Department of Justice tossed aside the rule of law in service of Trump?⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know why Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to a range of crimes, including arranging illegal hush money payments to keep women silent during the 2016 campaign about Trump's extramarital affairs? Cohen said he acted at the direction of Trump ( #Individual1).
Who else wants to know why Trump illegally pressured Georgia officials, including Brad Raffensperger, with "I just want to find 11,780 votes?" Violated Georgia code § 21-2-604 and 52 U.S. Code §20511. Lindsey Graham too. Why haven't we seen charges filed yet? Law and order? ⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know what Jared Kushner and Trump did with Mohammed bin Salman and the death of Jamal Khashoggi? And how is Mike Pompeo connected with that Saudi arms deal? When will the CIA come clean?
Who else wants to know what Louis DeJoy did to damage the United States Postal Service to benefit Trump? Was it coordinated with Trump? He not only needs to be removed as Postmaster General immediately, but also needs to be prosecuted for his sabotage of the USPS.
Who else wants to know about Trump’s 3,400+ corrupt conflicts of interest? Like when, Trump pressured U.S. ambassador Woody Johnson to UK to see if he could steer the British Open to Trump Turnberry golf resort in Scotland in 2017. Johnson did it, yet another impeachable offense. https://twitter.com/crewcrew/status/1345731892398731266
Who else wants to finally see Trump's tax returns? He promised us repeatedly. Why did he lie? How has he been hiding "$400 million from his father’s empire, much of it through dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud?"⚖️🇺🇸 https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1047206293361123329
Who else wants to know who paid off Bart O'Kavanaugh’s massive $1 million+ in debts? Why was he allowed to violate the financial disclosure law? Why did Justice Kennedy abruptly retire to open a spot for Kavanaugh? And what was up with all the👌👇🏽?
Who else wants to know all the ways Trump failed to plan for this pandemic? Disbanded the pandemic team, didn’t staff CDC position in China, ignored virus intel before end of 2019. Then he put Jared Kushner in charge and pitted states against each other. Trump failed America. 😷
Who else wants to know why Robert Mueller didn't recommend charges for Trump's documented acts of obstruction of justice? Why didn't the FBI charge Trump for lying in his cowardly written replies for the #TrumpRussia special counsel? We need answers, America. It ain't over.⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know why Trump pardoned and commuted sentences for people who are covering up his crimes like Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etc., who keep popping right back into Trump's schemes? Who else wants to finally get justice over these political thugs? ⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know why didn't Congress remove Trump when it was determined by our intel that Russia acted when he asked “Russia, if you’re listening...?" Federal campaign finance law prohibits any person from soliciting campaign contributions from foreign nationals.⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know more about how the 2016 Trump campaign targeted Black voters using computer technology deter them from voting? Let's ask Brad Parscale and let's also Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, the Mercer family about Cambridge Analytics.⚖️🇺🇸 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article246429000.html
Who else wants to know what CFO Allen Weisselberg has to say about the criminal Trump Organization? Michael Cohen knew about the payoffs related to women (Stormy Daniels) and more but Weisselberg knows all the rest. America deserves justice.⚖️🇺🇸 https://politi.co/2TiO28s 
Who else wants to know why we let cowardly puppet Trump get away with saying "Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be" in Helsinki in 2018? US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind efforts to help Trump.⚖️🇺🇸
Who else wants to know why Trump's mercenary thug Erik Prince was allowed to get away with lying to Congress about the investigation into Russia's ties to the Trump campaign, including that meeting in Seychelles about establishing a back channel?⚖️🇺🇸 https://www.businessinsider.com/so-people-can-just-lie-to-congress-now-nothing-happens-2020-8
Who else wants to know more about the Trump crime family and their fraudulent abuse of charity funds? It has been more than a year since this came out. How many other times did they do this? When is America gonna get justice? ⚖️🇺🇸 https://twitter.com/newyorkstateag/status/1204466233757880323
Who else wants the corrupt Trump administration to be held accountable for #ChildrenInCages? It was *policy* to separate families at the border as a deterrent. Jeff Sessions, Steven Miller, and Trump loved the cruelty of it all. #TrumpCrimesCommission⚖️🇺🇸 https://twitter.com/CNNnewsroom/status/1313904192545861632
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