One thing I’ve tried to do over the last 3-5 years is reduce my use of any single use items. Plastic wrap is a hard one but want to try these lids. I dont know about the beeswax stuff not sure it fits my use. But lot of good items here.
Reusable things I bought and use all the dang time. Cloth kitchen towels instead of paper towels. I now use a roll of it maybe once a month cause of these. Dont be afraid to use them and abuse them. Good enough for granny good enough for you.
Wool dryer balls. Maybe not perfect replacement for dryer sheets, but I like them. Stuff comes out soft enough, not covered in stuff (which makes towels less absorbent), and with minimal static. And no more finding dryer sheets all over the house somehow.
Pyrex glass bowls with lids. My go to storage and honestly what I eat out of a lot since they easily go in the microwave. Watch for deals cause I got an 18pc set for 35 but that was precovid 4 years ago. Or find used.
Mason jar replacement lids. I have the old style but highly recommend these. Got left over soup, chili, or veg put it in a jar. Get a funnel as well to make it easier
On the jar front, my favorite cheap pasta sauce is Classico and their jars are very nice, between a pint and a quart and take standard thread lids. So I use a razor blade to scrape off the label and wash them for reuse. Were also my cold brew ‘glass’ a while back.
Buy spices from a good spice shop and reuse the jars. I love Penzeys spices and their jars are top notch. Only negative is the labels are sometimes hard to get off. Get a small funnel and a label maker and refill as needed with cheaper spices or their bigger bags.
Chainmail scrubber for cast iron, makes cleaning nicer to your seasoning. But also I use it for harder to get off stuff on stainless items as well. Not as abrasive in terms of scratches but knocks off crud well.
Look at Goodwill or antique shops for items instead of buying new off Amazon too. Considering we cant easily get out as much, look on Etsy and eBay for such items. Honestly eBay has really gotten better than it was 5-10 years ago when it was all scammers.
Keep containers that stuff comes in and find a new use for them. Large vitamin bottles make great screw holders. Yogurt tubs as well. Hell I feel like my granny saving every tub and packaging. But Im always finding a use for them.
I use razor blades for a myriad of things and disposal is always a problem. Dont want to have them poke out of the bag. So think like a hospital with ‘sharps’ container. Take a plastic tub cut a slit in the top and push the blade in there, throw away when decently full. Safely.
When I got into cold brew, I found my cold brewer at Goodwill for $3. It didnt have a lid, so I used plastic but was looking for replacements until I quit drinking it. But not only cheaper, but saved some glass and metal from a landfill.
I may be a hippy treehugger now, but I’m also cheap. Why keep buying something just to throw it away. Right now I generate 1 medium bag of ‘trash’ a week. Some of which could be recycled if recycling wasnt a joke. But think Im doing ok enough for my location.
Thats my Ted Talk of quit buying shit thats going in the trash and do what granny did, wash out that jelly jar and reuse it. Thx bai
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