$KTLYO thread:

This 💎 is too undervalued. Once product releases (more than 2 years of work now) it has potential to become a blue chip easily.
KATALYO is the all-in-one, one stop solution for:
-DeFi building
-Real Estate tokenization,
-Document verification
-Blockchain tools for enterprise.

However, unlike other projects, it's killer feature is that it's done with NO-CODE.
Every company and business, even with no programming skills, can take advantage of Katalyo's many features.

Above this bullish fundamentals, there is more that shows the potential of this project.
✅ 700k market cap
✅ Will be marketed by the extremely successful InBlockchain(EOS, ZCash), as well as other marketing efforts.
✅ Blockchain tools similar to UBT, but using no-code features. (80M mcap)
✅ Starting out by tokenizing €30M worth of Croatian real estate.
✅ Working product for big companies, already generating revenue.
✅ 18 month cash runway.
✅ VIDT style verification system included.
✅ 85% of the total supply is locked for 4 years.
✅ Crosschain interoperability
✅ Doxxed team - 7 people in total and looking for more.
✅ Weekly AMAs and plans to market in the West notable influencers.
✅ New exchange this month
✅ Liquidity locked for 12 months.
I am really bullish on this project. There is a small but really strong community that supports it also and has improved the whole communication issue this once had.

Here’s an interview with Ivica, the main dev, from 2018 talking about the project. Yes, 2018.

You can follow @CryptoThommy.
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