Around early December I started writing a lot about problems w the EU vaccination strategy. Judging by the reactions, it felt like it was the most controversial opinion I've ever expressed on this website.

Quick recap of some relevant developments since:
1, The official line shifted from "it's not a race" to scrambling to secure more doses. The "EU has purchased not too few, but actually too many doses" line has given way to "we would totally vaccinate more if only we had more doses."
2, On Dec 29, the EU ordered +100 mn doses of #COMIRNATY, the @pfizer- @BioNTech_Group vaccine.
Then on Jan 8, the Commission proposed to buy another +300 mn doses of COMIRNATY. It's a bit of smoke>fire idea given the limited production capacity, but shows what would be needed.
3, @EMA_News wasn't only last among its peers to authorize COMIRNATY, it also took 3 weeks to deliberate the use of the 6th doses in the vials. It remains unknown how many doses went to waste in the meantime.
4, Coming under increasing pressure, a number of countries have reportedly tried negotiating bilat deals w manufacturers.
Germany has side deals with both German manufacturers and for a while seemed to be trying to get one w Moderna too (sentence since deleted from website)
5, Both the US & the UK are on track to wrap up their vaccination campaigns months before EU members. (and then let's not even talk about Israel or the UAE)
The US (which acc to the incoming Biden staff has no vaccine distribution plan), already administers ~1 mn doses/day.
6, One MS (🇭🇺, who else?) entered negotiations w both Chinese & Russian producers to get additional doses.

7, Acc to Merkel, the German authority will support Gamaleya's application at the EMA & Germany might even help out with production.
8, Prioritization plans keep being re-written, there's tons of confusion about distribution, and the rollout has been shambolic in many EU countries. In the meantime, new variants keep popping up around the world, lockdowns get extended / rules tightened across the continent.
It's not about who was right. But how are we going to move towards a more integrated and more functional EU with this "not a race" attitude? How will anything improve if those who believe in it the EU the most continue to bend over backwards making excuses anytime if falls short?
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