Two ways I can see us lining up in the absence of De Bruyne⬇️
The first way is with our more normal 343 diamond. The only change to this system is Jesus coming in for KDB and ideally Laporte for Zinchenko, but Zinny can stay.

Cancelo inverts to the RCM and Bernardo playing KDBs 10 role. Cancelo and Gundogan creating from the Half-Spaces.
Touchline wingers create space and passing options from the midfield and having Jesus up top allows to play with either a false 9 or a recognised ST. There is very little change in this system with or without KDB
The Second system is the 325 false 9. Pep originally lined up like this on Wednesday against Villa for more defensive solidity.

Walker stays back in the defensive 3, while Zinchenko partners Rodri in the pivot. Bernardo and Gundogan in the Half-Spaces
The main idea of the false 9 is to incorporate Foden into the 10 position. Against Arsenal and Real Madrid Foden thrived playing this role, and with a lack of creativity from losing De Bruyne, getting Foden into his natural 10 role, might give us the extra bit in the big games
The LB role in all these systems are up for grabs between Ake/Zinchenko/Laporte/Cancelo and similarly the wing spots are between Foden/Sterling/Jesus/Ferran/Mahrez. My ideal choices would propably be Laporte x Cancelo and Foden x Sterling in the 343 diamond system.
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