I suffer from anxiety. Battled depression most of my adult life. Society never gave a damn about it.

You know what's really frustrating? People using mental health as an excuse not to #lockdown2021. Suddenly the thing I've had to battle silently all my life is an excuse not 1/4
to help protect others. It takes something like #COVID19 4 everyone to realise mental health is a very real & debilitating issue, but I don't think this is being used in an entirely healthy way. I see a lot of people on here coopting mental health, using it as a rallying cry 2/4
COVID restrictions, and I'm disgusted by it. How many of these anti-lockdown people actually know what it's like to be paralysed by fear and sadness, I don't know, but it shames me to see how they weaponise that suffering. 3/4
PS. I know it's not the same for everyone, but my anxiety and depression have diminished greatly under lockdown. I am lucky to be working from home, to have a great family living with me, and to live near a nature reserve I can walk in. I can enjoy them more now. 4/4
PPS. I am GLAD there is a conversation going on about mental health now, and I hope it turns into action - and continues as action - after the pandemic is over. 5/4
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