Ms Wilson is a quite new junior criminal barrister, and from what I gather a very able one, and also a successful published author. She strikes me as exactly, but exactly, the kind of person the junior criminal bar needs. For the temerity of ‘having a public profile while black’>
> she receives this kind of vile attack (I’m guessing from an older, fairly well educated white male by the handwritten letter, handwriting, and the sheer arrogance of including name and address.) Now this kind of attack might be dismissed as being from a sad crank, but I don’t >
> think it should be. While the language of the letter is crass, the attitude of ‘we’ll let you get on if you play by our rules and respect our superiority’ is far from restricted to cranks writing on lined pages. The legal profession needs to look at itself, hard and honestly >
We are a lot better than we were, and improving. But, it has to be said, too slowly. And the top is still by and large occupied by people who might handwrite on lined paper….
I am, of course, a middle aged white male partner in a law firm. So all ironies acknowledged. But my firm has a not bad track record on partnerships and is taking active steps to do still better on progression, so call it work in progress...
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