26 tribal leaders wrote to Inhofe + Lankford.

“As senators for a state with 39 federally recognized Tribal nations & one of the highest Native populations in the United States, you fully recognize the importance of including Native representation at the highest levels of govt."
Idaho tribal leaders are also lobbying Republican Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo to confirm Deb Haaland.

Devon Boyer, chairman of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes in Idaho, told them her nomination is an opportunity “to turn a dark page” on the agency’s history.
What dark page of the Interior Dept's history, you may ask?

The page that includes its policies of taking millions of acres of tribal homelands away from tribes + forcibly removing Native children from homes & putting them into white boarding schools where they were abused.
“Native people are resilient and strong, but the painful and traumatic history of genocide and forced assimilation by the federal government lives on in our communities and our people have never been able to fully heal," Haaland said at the time.
Haaland likely already has the votes to be confirmed. And there's no reason to think at least some GOPers won't vote for her.

But support from these OK/ID senators would do a couple things: give her a stronger vote + reflect their willingness to listen to tribes in their states.
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