I am very pro cycling and walking and I don't apologise for that. I think we need to make space for people not cars. I drive when I need to, I don't think driving should be the default. I think liveable cities and towns should aim to make people powered journeys easier
This is not a radical position, or at least it shouldn't be. During lockdown I've been doing more walking and exploring and I am definitely becoming more militant in my beliefs
We are actively hostile, or at least willfully ignorant towards people not in cars. We give so little space to people. We give so much space to store cars. We don't think about people walking, we worry about blocking traffic.
Newspapers rage about bike lanes, LTNs, about a war on motorists. And it's such nonsense. We've given over our streets and pavements to cars. For convenience. At the expense of community, people, children, exercise, health, it needs to be changed
We need leadership that can act on the nation's interests. Not the people that fear change or mild inconvenience. I know this sounds hyperbolic but the following photos are from a 15 minute walk
Outside our local shop
Just casually on the street
I know this is not ideal, as there are no places for bins but what about people?
Double yellows, pavement, bins. People? No
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