It’s heartbreaking to see a doubling down on making the mother’s womb the most deadly and dangerous location in America.
We rightly grieve the loss of 400,000 lives to Covid. But it’s morally illogical in turn to celebrate the loss of 800,000 lives to abortion in the same time frame.
Planned Parenthood targets lower income and minority communities and is organization the systemic extermination of black and brown Americans.
1619-1863 legal slavery
1876-1965 legal Jim Crow
1973-now legal abortion

Dred Scott (1858)
Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
Roe v Wade (1973)

A single satanic and systemic fabric intending to prevent black and brown people from pursuing life, liberty and happiness.
Fighting for racial justice and pro-life justice is the same fight!
This is consistent SOCIAL justice. So you can be politically, partisanly consistent and morally inconsistent, but as for me and my house, we’re going to follow Jesus and value both.
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