The thing about the "we shouldn't use the term terrorism to talk about the far right" is that fascists not only embrace this term but played a big role in developing its modern contours (vis-à-vis, "the strategy of tension"). The fascists call it "Terrorgram" for a reason.
No doubt, the point about past terrorism discourse being used to surveil Muslims and activists—and a big part of my early activism was mobilizing against these abuses. I also oppose mass incarceration and the "carceral state." At the same time, the "terrorism" term applies here.
We're not seeing new terms like "ecoterrorism" or "Islamofascism" being used to silence social movements or oppress minority populations here. Members of the extreme right recently blew up a whole city block and carried out a putsch to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
food for thought: those playing down the far-right's recent activities just spent the lat 5 years justifying the murder of rescue workers using the exact War on Terror rhetoric they're pretending to oppose today, so maybe take their considerations with a grain of salt.
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