Childrens entertainment as a grooming long-game THREAD

Many parents may still believe that there are still mainstream forms of children’s entertainment that can be viewed as harmless or even wholesome. Subliminal messaging is present in nearly all modern cartoons, but this 1/15
is a specific focus on live-action television shows that need not have any of the sort for their end goals to be met. Even more insidious is the fact that the more wholesome a show is, the more damaging it will be down the road if the trend is followed. 2/15
The responsible parent will screen the tv show that the child is to watch and once it is deemed appropriate the wheels are in motion. Children are creatures of habit and will seek to watch the same program over and over again. They will be familiarized with the characters 3/15
to the point of almost being part of their own household and develop an emotional attachment, at least at a subliminal level. This process may begin as young as 4 years old and continue right through the rest of childhood into the pre-teens. The attachment will carry over 4/15
to follow a beloved character/actor from tv to movies, music, merchandise, and so on up until their career takes a typical & predictable twist once they themselves hit adulthood. One obvious example is Miley Cyrus who played the title role of Hannah Montana (2006-2011) 5/15
which is rated 8+ and ended as a series when Cyrus was 19. Of course there would be younger children that would watch the show that the 8+ rating but that doesn’t account for the syndication that will come into play in later years. But for the sake of a simple example, 6/15
an 8 year old girl starts watching Hannah Montana in 2008 and develops the aforementioned emotional attachment to the title character and actor, up to and including when the now legal age Miley Cyrus undergoes a rebranding in 2013:
Once the beloved child actor becomes an adult, almost like the flick of a light switch any trace of innocence is quickly expunged and left in it’s stead nothing but unbridled sexual hedonism and debauchery. So now the long game comes in clear view:
The 8 year old girl used as the example has followed Miley Cyrus for 3 years through her tv and music career thus far, and now, as a 13 year old fan the girl is a prime target of the entertainment industry to be sexualized with fornication, lesbianism, gender-bending, 9/15
and depravity in many other forms.

This is one glaring example but merely one of many. Another case study is Ariana Grande who followed a near identical career path. Beginning with her role as Cat Valentine on two different Nickelodeon shows, endearing herself to 10/15
a young audience (Both rated 8+), then moving on to a music career. The trajectory is less steep than with Miley Cyrus but the end result is the same, culminating in the horrific (in many ways) death of an 8 year old girl during the Manchester Arena bombing during Grande’s 11/15
“Dangerous Woman Tour.” In the midst of the aftermath of the attack, when it was reported that someone so young died, it was hard to fathom why an 8 year old would be at the concert of an artist whose album featured songs such as “Side to Side” 12/15
which is about getting f***ed so hard that she can’t walk properly afterwards, as well as the title track itself. (See below) She also currently has 2 singles out that are about f***ing (Positions & 34+35) 13/15
And finally a last example put more succinctly is Demi Lovato. From Barney & Friends and Disney to songs about lesbian affairs & transgender activism. 14/15
These people want to get their claws into your children by any means necessary, even in your own living room. Cut the cable cord. Cancel Netflix. Read old books and have your kids read them to you. 15/15 END THREAD
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