They dont know $FARM is the most asymmetric bet in all of DeFi

Gains are exponential and losses are < linear or negative.

e.g A 4x annual appreciation in FARM price staked in PS results in 10x+ USD gain. A 75% loss result in almost breakeven or slight negative annual return
Assumptions: You stake in PS, PS remains 60-100% APR.

If you think Defi go up then yield will also go up and therefore revenue in harvest go up. Emissions continuously drop too. Forcing higher price per token and adds additional buy pressure in a bear.
The economics on this are insanely good. Go calc the P/E lullllll.

Oh more shitfarms pop up? Cool you can suck the life outta them and make a profit by enabling degens to autofarm it and while times are good take a 30% cut of revenue back to $FARM stakers.
Imagine buying a coin where if it goes down 50% you lose 50% and if it goes up 50% you gain 50%. Lul amateurs.

Emission drop is fixed, get weekly revenues, plot buybacks vs new emissions over time based on avg revenues. GG
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