the theory of the dark ones (aka the mirror charmed ones): a thread
hey it’s your local jordy here and i just wanted to share one of my favorite charmed theories with y’all!! this was first suggested to me indirectly by my friend charlie, who noted that with the introduction of abigael there are 3 caine siblings to mirror the vera-vaughn sisters.
it’s mentioned in-show that there’ll be a dark trio to oppose the charmed ones. i like that idea, but narratively it doesn’t make sense to be the caines after s1, because parker loses his powers and hunter is ☠️ but i do believe if it exists abigael is probably a part of it.
now what really kicked off this theory is something i noticed on abigael’s book. here we see two books, (2x11 vs 2x14) which might be the same books, but either way they bear the same symbol: a triskele, which is a celtic knot of three.
the triskele represents something similar but opposite, mirrored, to- you guessed it- the triquetra, the symbol of the charmed ones. both trinities, but somehow opposite. sound familiar?
but that’s abigael’s mom’s book, you might say. well, that’s true. now it’s time for the second theory... we might go off the rails a little here, but bear with me, i’ve been watching a lot of game theory.
so my friend sam (thanks @flywitchesfly) came up with a theory i really subscribed to, which was that vivienne laurent was none other than francesca jameson, abigael’s mom. i mean look at the resemblance! but with this new theory, i began to think about it a little differently.
what if abigael isn’t necessarily part of the dark ones, but her mother was? which means she’d either need two counterparts, or two siblings. i think siblings would make sense.
all we really know about francesca is that she died. (we don’t even know that for sure.) but you know who else died? vivienne’s sister. julian’s mother.
this might seem a stretch, but what if julian is another of abigael’s half brothers? what if viv and francesca aren’t the same person at all, but two of three siblings?
at this point i’m not sure who the third sibling would be. my first thought was nadia, but please comment who you think it would be, or if you think they haven’t been introduced yet.
caveat: my theory is that viv, whether she is francesca or her sister, is a witch who was stripped of her powers, and is working with the faction to bring magic to humans so she can have magic again. it doesn’t really have anything to do with the theory, it’s just an aside.
the symbol on the book indicates, if we believe in the theory of the triskelion being the symbol of the dark ones, that either francesca was part of the dark ones, or was trying to create the dark ones.
at the end of season 2, viv was trying to raise julian’s sister rosemary from the dead. if we believe that francesca is actually julian’s mom who died (we don’t know) julian, rosemary, and abigael makes three..!
that’s basically the whole theory. i love the idea of the dark ones but i have no idea who it’ll actually be, that’s just a theory..... a jordy theory! thanks for reading 😛 #charmed
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