Dear Ontario, Doug Ford, Dr. M. Fullerton, Christine Elliot and Stephen Lecce have all failed us. They all chose to shortchange our 2nd wave Covid response. They failed to invest $$$ into a safe school opening, defying medical advice & best practices. 1/6
With school reopening, they did a cost-benefit analysis; and saving lives and stopping Covid DID NOT prevail over saving a few bucks. Similarly, they failed our seniors in LTCs. They passed legislation to protect private LTCs from litigation, rather than save lives. 2/6
Ford & friends opened bars, casinos, strip clubs & indoor dining too early, against medical advice.They ignored data, stood by idly as the virus spread exponentially thru the fall. They took half-measures, and tried to distract us w cheese cake. But now there's a new variant.3/6
And the emergence of a new variant was completely predictable, and indeed predicted. This new variant spreads faster and new data suggests it has a higher mortality rate. So now, NOW there's this last rush #StayHomeON. Yeah. Okay. Sure. I'm staying home. 4/6
Stay home, Ontario. Stay home. 집에거 안전하게 계세요. Stay home because our provincial government failed in its primary task of protecting healthcare workers, educators, students, seniors, PSW, people of colour, farm workers, Amazon centre workers. @fordnation failed us all. 5/6
Ford & his cheapskate cronies failed us, so stay home. If you can. If you're lucky enuf to work remotely. If you can't, get better masks, double mask. And vote smarter next time, cuz damn it, leaders w/o integrity or a basic respect for science will get us all killed. #StayhomeON
집에서 안전하게 계세요. Made a typo in the Korean. ARGH!!!
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