So listen: right now Joe Biden is trying to undo a lot of what Trump did via Executive Orders and I mean of course this is necessary but it also illustrates what, exactly, the problem is with the American government
Well. One of the problems. One of the many problems.

Every four years we go into crisis mode because the president can erase so much of what the former president did.

It's great when it's not a literal Fascist but not so great when it is
The power of the American presidency and the winner-takes-all two-party system make it entirely likely we will get another version of Trump. Maybe a much worse, more competent version and then everything Biden undoes gets done all over again
One of the long-term goals in reforming the American political system is limiting the power of the presidency.

Because as it stands, we get maybe two years of attempting to institute some sort of plan and then two years of near-constant crisis
And make no mistake--the way campaigns work in the US is a crisis of governing
A solution is difficult to envision, I know.

We could perhaps adopt a more Parliamentary system which, while not perfect, at least allows for more parties and less personal power
But what we need to accept and then demand is that the power of the presidency puts us all in danger. Every four years there's a chance for another Trump, who can once again undo most of the good their predecessor manages to accomplish.

It must change
This book is from the 1970s but the concerns it raises are still incredibly relevant:
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