For over 21 years, I had a habit of sleeping with my bedroom lights on. That stopped when I moved in with my wife.

I had lived alone since 17, and I opened the doors to our first home entirely unprepared for the reality that comes when building a household with a partner.

When you start a relationship, you dream of the days where you don't have to book hotels on weekends or sneak out of parental homes.

Most of us are unaware that living together with your partner is a series of hidden tests and trials, none of which you revised for.

Living with a spouse is like being cast for a role before you have had the chance to read the script.

Before marriage, people spend their entire lives, forming behaviours and habits — good or bad — that your partner has yet to discover.

When you are in each other's presence 24/7. The pressure is real.

Two people may form a union on paper and in commitment, but that does not automatically make all your actions in sync.

Living with your partner is living with a familiar stranger.

You know them on a romantic level, on an intimate level, but not what room temperature they need to fall asleep when they are on their monthly cycle.

There is some marriage knowledge that can only come from challenging experiences. Hotel dates involved designer boxers and sheen glistened head wraps.

Marriage nights are weaves thrown on the mannequin, holes in socks and whatever boxers were easiest to find that morning.
On days when you crave space, sometimes walking into the same room as your partner — who has done nothing wrong — can piss you off.

There is a difference between living together and sharing a home. You live together with family and friends, but you share a home with a partner.

It goes deeper than sharing space, it is a process of existing together.

Stepping into your marriage home is an invitation to all the emotions, positive or negative, that were once upon a time, handled via phone calls or text messages.   

Some treat their home as a structure built on ideas and expectations carried from their parents' house or bachelor pad. It's unfair to get annoyed at your partner for something you were taught that they never even knew was a lesson.

Making new rules in marriage is teamwork. Not every player will play the same position.

I hate laundry,my wife hates the kitchen sink; so we delegate, divide and conquer.

The goal is equality of outcome, not to mimic processes. You waste a great striker by putting him in goal.
You don't create a partnership by forcing someone to be the person that makes you comfortable, instead of the person who differences you can both learn and grow from.

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