Annie and marlo's conversation here isn't talked about enough I feel like, so I'm going to give some thoughts:

Marlo's comment here in response to Annie's question is interesting because it greatly hints at the fact that human injustices are being carried out around the world +
which at this point in the story to us viewers, was only inside the walls. However, we now know that "this evil" is in fact universal. The way Marlo's states that he is "going to return them to being normal humans" parallels the situation around the rest of the world, where +
Eldian's are being treated as "the Spawn of the Devil" and that their "normal" form is something that is as far away from human as possible. Its even more ironic the when we consider who Marlo is talking to. Annie grew up her entire life surrounded by this universal "evil", +
to her it was normal, she was aware of all the appalling injustices being carried out because her race wasn't "the way man was meant to be". But now she finds herself surrounded by people who live in ignorance about themselves, but within that group of people she always notices +
"good" people. Those who are determined to go against the flow of the world to try and fix the mistakes of others.
To her, the concept of going against the tide is almost unnatural because she was swept along it her entire life.
The world taught her to fight only for herself +
In Annie's mind, normal human nature is to look out for oneself first, to not look further than you need to. However, people like Eren, Armin and Marlo who are constantly rebelling against their cruel world to see positive change are deemed "special" by her. To these "special" +
ones, being submissive to an unfair world is the equivalent of being "worthless" cattle. This relates back to the real world in which most humans are generally submissive. We are happy living our lives without disturbance and don't actively charge into hell to see positive +
change on a larger scale. As long as we and those close to us are happy, that's all that matters. This brings us to Annie's question of "Doesn't that just make us regular people?" She admires and respects those who take another option even when there appear to be no other +
options, but to her that mindset is not normal, it is against human nature. This leads back to when she says it will all be over when good people like marlo take over, because going against human nature will always lead to more chaos in a world like theirs. Eldians outside the +
outside the walls submissively reside under the worlds iron fist but are still treated as something not of nature. If the world was full of "good" people who go against flow, then people who get swept along would be treated as "not normal" rather than the other way around +
Its the desire to have a normal life that led Annie to where she is, and she just wants who act in nature to be considered human too.
Sorry if this got convoluted, kind of decided to make this spur-of-the-moment 😅
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