Thanks for your question. This will be a thread.

Being on the Right is all I know. I was raised Conservative in CA. My Black father was instrumental in my philosophical, spiritual, and political beliefs. And I was made privy to both sides and why one philosophy trumps another.
I’ve only voted Republican. But even if a Republican candidate didn’t fit what I wanted, I didn’t vote for him (like Romney or McCain). I would simply vote for an Independent or do a write-in.
Conservative politics are the best option for RISING Black Wealth. Today, young Black Americans can own online real estate and generate millions in their lifetime. But if they’re building this wealth, what do we do when progressivism comes to take large portions of it and
disseminates it people who don’t like us??? We don’t get to control how our wealth is given.

With conservative politics, I know regulations and heavy taxation can be removed. This keeps more wealth in my pocket. Black Americans who have more wealth can reinvest in other Blk ppl.
So, while Demos want to convince Blk folks that economic opportunities will only come by more govt interference, the Right says, “Keep more of your own rising wealth,” which we can use to empower our own communities.
While Conservatives have been trash with Black Outreach, it is not the same today because authentic Black Conservative voices pound the pavement every day for 4 years under Trump.

So, now Blk voters focused on tangibles can have a voice/space here ... because we put in the work.
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