If you exist in the US economy you will only benefit if more Americans are out of debt. Rather then throwing money in a pit of debt they'll spend it at restaurants, they'll spend it on the things you produce, they'll invest it in homes and business. https://twitter.com/edburmila/status/1352364203949088768
This short sighted selfishness is so self sabotaging. We can holistically look at the world and realize that making life better for other people actually makes life better for us too, not just ethically or morally but also economically.
Think of the untapped potential of all the Americans who have to spend all their resources (time and money) just to survive! So much economic and creative potential locked on the low end of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
It hurts all of us. You want to hire talented people, you want to sell more stuff, you want a nicer neighborhood, you want more cool shit to spend your money on; all of that is made possible by unleashing the economic and creative potential of all of our citizens who are trapped.
And this goes for student debt, healthcare costs, low wages, systemic racism... all of it doesn't just hurt the people immediately effected by it, it's hurts all of us; again, not just on an ethical/moral level, but on an economic level.
Even the most self serving capitalist should be effin' pissed that we've allowed student debt, healthcare costs, low wages, and racism get in the way of all the money they could be making. Just think of all the resources we intentionally keep imprisoned by poverty!
America is in a constant state of ethically and economically poisoning itself. Imagine a farmer who intentionally starves their crop of nutrients; that's America right now. Even in the psychopathic value system of Capitalism what we're currently doing doesn't make sense.
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