Why Optimists are more Lucky

Want more "luck"? Let me show you how

What most don't understand is that "luck" is a game of numbers

The more opportunities you open yourself up to

The more likely one of them is going to work in your favor.

So how does optimism help with luck?
If luck is a numbers game

then those who choose to keep playing the numbers

are more likely to find that ONE success.

Optimism is what convinces you to keep going

even when it feels like the odds are against you

Let's look at an example
If you are trying to purchase a new home

You know that the more people you reach out to

The more likely you will find not only a home but a DEAL on a home.

The optimist believes

"The perfect house is out there. This next call could be it"
Maybe you are with some friends and you optimistically say

"I know a good deal on a home is out there"

Your friend turns his head and says

"Actually my uncle is trying to sell his home..."

Did you get lucky?

Or did you put yourself in the perfect opportunity?🤔
Now imagine the Pessimist

The pessimist will say

"I missed that last opportunity, deals like that never come around twice!"

They give up.

The next house they would have called on could have been better than the first

But they closed the door on that opportunity.
Being optimistic keeps your mind open to all opportunities

The more opportunities you open

The more likely one of them will be exactly what you are looking for.

Create your own luck.

Be more optimistic.

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