1/ To be clear about my comments about Bernie supporters:
1) I voted for Bernie in the primaries in 2016. I then voted for Clinton in the general election, because I didn't want to see my country burn just because my favorite candidate didn't win the nomination.
2/ 2) I still like Bernie and everything he stands for.
3) Neither Bernie nor Joe were my favorite nominees in 2020, but I would have given either one my full support. Again, because I don't want to see my country burn just because my favorite candidate didn't win the nomination.
3/ 4) When I criticize Bernie supporters, I am talking about a very specific subset who didn't vote in the general election, who were loudly critical of Biden after he won the nomination, or who still claim there is no difference between Clinton and Trump or Biden and Trump.
4/ 5) I know there are many Bernie supporters who refused to vote in 2016 and have since realized their mistake and did vote in 2020. I'm talking about them. Neither am I talking about Bernie supporters who still really think Sanders would have been a better POTUS.
5/ 6) Maybe I'm wrong, but if you saw what happened the last four years and failed to realize that the Trump presidency impacted the most vulnerable populations worse than it impacted your average white guy, then your purism is pure white.
6/ 7) That being said, I am not advocating a return to normalcy that includes capitulating to Republican demands in the name of "unity."
8) We need to press Biden and the moderate Democrats in Congress to become more progressive in their policies and lawmaking.
7/ 9) Progressive politicians like @AOC, @Ilhan, and Bernie need to be listened to and taken seriously. This is the future of the Democratic Party if it intends to be viable in the foreseeable future.
10) Change is never as quick as we would like it (or need it) to be.
8/ But there can be no real change if we spend the next four years divided.
11) The Republicans' attempted coup, coupled with the Democrats' control of both the executive and legislative branches is a real opportunity to change our country and planet for the better.
9/ We haven't had this opportunity since 2009. It lasted two years and it was mostly squandered. Let's not that happen again this time.
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