Discussion elsewhere online reminded me of my fantasy wish to revolutionise @recordstoreday @RSDUK into a fairer system of tiered preorders that would stop scalpers dead and ensure people don't miss out.

Then I remembered I live in an unfair world and it'd never happen.
Pre-orders for everything. Items will cost you one of three clearly laid out price points...

A. Lowest price for highest preorders possible (eg. 10,000 units)
B. Medium price of halfway goal (eg. 5,0000 units)
C. Highest price for lowest possible preorders (eg. 2,000 units)
Put everything for sale online in advance with a deposit to your local store. You pay a, b or c depending on the volume ordered overall. Your local store gets delivery & you have a week to pick up or you lose your deposit & they can resell it.

Simple. Clean. Anti-scalper.
You can follow @DidymusBrush.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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