The University of Evansville is discussing dropping out of D1 or cancelling sports altogether. I was a regular at Aces bball camps thru jr. high. I saw 98% of home games in the 80's-90's from Section N. And I spent 2 long years there as a student-athlete 20 yrs ago....

My grandma worked at UE. Grandpa was one of the 1st on scene when the plane crashed in '77. Grew up on the Aces. Saw the glory days, when UE wld hand Xavier, Dayton, Butler L's on the regular. 3 NCAA's in 10 years as a kid. The Stadium had 12K-plus every night and it rocked...
Yes, I know the situation well. I am familiar with campus life and the types of students who attend. I understand the relationship between the school and the town. I learned it still has plenty of fans who would support a winning product....
My 2 years at UE were the lamest years of my life. Embarrassing to even host official visits. Said it then, saying it now: "UE either grows and thrives or folds and dies." Enrollment down 20% to just 2K. Popular degrees and programs have been axed in recent years. It's dying...
Leaders had a crucial decision to make in 2018 as it looked for a new head bball coach. The sexiest candidate, former UK & NBA player, hometown guy, Walter McCarty was picked. Michael Lewis was a finalist. He found out he wasn't the one thx to Twitter, according to a source...
Utah St assistant and Evansville native David Ragland would have been great, he would have stayed 25 years. Both would have done things the right way. Both deserved it. Instead, Admins took the shortcut. Blinded by the financials of what a 10K seat Ford Center might mean...
According to a booster with knowledge of the situation, McCarty's doings will end up costing the school a pretty penny. Cash it doesn't have, and isn't going to see anytime soon. Absurdly expensive, small undergrad liberal arts degrees aren't an attractive option anymore....
Fixing the problems requires cash (and creativity). I'd support the City in helping UE in the short term IF they agree to the City's demands: 1) grow enrollment to 10K by 2026 2) reinstate popular programs/degrees, add graduate options 3) increase footprint of campus by 4x....
4) hire former Ferdinand and Aces alum Curt Begle as director of athletics and community outreach. He's well-known, well-respected and one of the best leaders I've ever seen. As critical as Marcus Wilson was to 1998-99's success, Begle's leadership was just as salient...
What happens next wont likely include any of my items above. UE has long suffered from lack of creativity and leadership. The McCarty back-fire only fueled the fire. Hiring Begle & Marcus Wilson tho would buy coach Lickliter time. Would also put butts in seats. Raise some cash
To clarify: advocating to hire Begle and Wilson to run athletics, not on Lickliter's staff.
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