Hi. Jew here. Israeli Jew. By comparing a passive boycott to pressure the Israeli government to end the occupation of Palestine to Nazi's boycott of Jewish business', @AndrewYang actually traffic's in the antisemitic conflation of "dual loyalty." This is BS AIPAC propaganda. https://twitter.com/danielmarans/status/1352629848951443457
Opposition to a boycott on Israel follows the same logic of the opposition to Colin Kaepernick taking a new: it is wrong for you to object to oppression, period.

We don't want violence. We don't want another intifada.

Call for peaceful resistance thru passive boycott? "NAZIS!"
You also don't need to co-sign with the BDS movement or love it's all of its supporters to realize the problem with this anti-boycott argument.
Who is going to ask @AndrewYang if he thinks the international anti-apartheid movement "singled out" South Africa "for unfair economic punishment"?
But seriously, calling a boycott of Israel de facto anti-semitic argues that Palestinians in America have a moral *obligation* to purchase goods manufactured by their people's oppressor. Think about that.
(Ps. because every time I mention BDS someone asks: no I personally don't boycott Israel. As an Israel, i find that impossible. I will fly to Israel to visit my family -- boycott done. I do boycott all settlement product and respect you if *you* boycott Israel.)
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