Canada’s response on #KeystoneXL has made one thing clear: Canada is NOT a climate leader. Canada can't have its cake & eat it too when it comes to climate & fossil fuel development, despite Trudeau’s continued efforts to pitch these as compatible:
If Canada continues to promote GHG intensive development, it will be fueling human rights impacts the world over. In Canada, @hrw documented how climate impacts already contribute to increasingly dangerous levels of food poverty in First Nations:
As Biden’s EO rightly lays out, Keystone is not consistent w/ imperative to address the climate crisis and "avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory."
Even Canada’s own energy regulator’s found Keystone (and TMX) to not be compatible with a scenario of modest climate action (i.e. not enough to meet Canada’s weak emissions targets):
After years of scraping by on climate by being better than Trump, Canada should finally work to correct its dismal record on emissions and support for fossil fuels. In this piece, I lay out a few key next steps for Canada, including…
(1) setting a more ambitious emissions target for 2030, along with clear, time-bound steps on how to get there…
(2) amending proposed climate “accountability” legislation (Bill #C12) to ensure that it establishes real accountability, and not just for future governments…
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