Common intrusive thoughts that don’t make you a horrible person: 🧵
- worries about blurting our slurs/other offensive or inappropriate things

- worries about secretly hating your friends/family/partner etc

- worries about secretly being homophobic/transphobic/racist etc
TW/ violence, paedophelia, suicide
-intrusive worries/images of impulsively committing violent acts against loved ones

- worries that you’re secretly a paedophile

- worries that you’ll impulsively end your own life even if you don’t want to
- worries that you’ll impulsively cheat on your partner

- worries about being a “horrible person”

- fears of secretly being sexually attracted to family members or minors
- worries that you’ll accidentally poison or otherwise physically harm people

- worries that someone will die/get seriously injured and it’ll be your fault
-any disturbing intrusive thoughts that make you worry that you’re a bad person. The fact that you’re worried about being a bad person just proves your dedication to being a good one.
Rts appreciated so more people see that they’re not alone in these
Y’all in the QRTs talking about “fucked up” these are are literally the reason I tweet about this stuff. It’s BECAUSE the stigma is so bad. And there are always gonna be ableist but it’s so important to me that people who DO have these symptoms know they’re not alone
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