Scottish Gaelic words
Bard: 1600s vagabond minstrel
Ben: beinn (mountain.)
Bog: soft (related to boglach swamp)
Bothan: A hut, or illegal drinking den.
Caber: cabar, a wooden pole.
Cairn: càrn.
Capercaillie: capall-coille "horse of the woods"
Cèilidh: 'social gathering'
Clan: clann, children, family.
Claymore: claidheamh mór ( great sword)
Coire: "kettle", a corrie
Crag: creag, a cliff.
Galore: gu leor, enough.
Gillie: gille , aboy or servant.
Glen: gleann, a valley.
Gob: gob, a beak or bill.
Kyle: Caol, a strait
Loch: loch,
Lochaber axe
Mackintosh: raincoat invented by Charles Macintosh
Mackintosh: Mac an Tòisich, son of the chieftain.
Mod; mòd, an assembly, a court.
Pet: peata, tame animal.
Pibroch: pìobaireachd, piping.
Pillion: pillean, pack-saddle, cushion.
Plaid: plaide, blanket.
Ptarmigan; tàrmachan, 16th Century word.
Shindig: sìnteag to skip, or jump around
Slogan: sluagh-ghairm, a battle-cry
Sporran: sporan, a purse.
Spunk: spong [s̪pɔŋk], tinder, sponge.
Strontium; Sròn an t-Sìthein, village, near which the element was discovered.
Trousers: triubhas, "trews".
Whisky: uisge-beatha , water of life.
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