Hello, hi- NYC has fewer than 65k vax first doses left to administer across all providers.

If your hot take is still that vax distro is not fast enough or well organized you are 3 wks behind.

Wish we could fix vax supply but here are a few things we can all be focused on. 1/5
There is a raging pandemic! Too many shifted focus away from what can save lives right now while vax supply is low: Testing & Tracing, mask wearing, stay home when sick, physical distance. Keep each other safe today while we wait for the vaccine. Do not get distracted. 2/5
Equity in vax admin. The demand for speed threatens to overtake the demand for equity. Anyone who make easy promises of both isn't in the trenches doing the thing. Equity also centers our focus on preventing mortality where it should be. Will be hard but must be our #1. 3/5
Address hesitancy honestly. Black Americans have experienced deadly treatment by medical institutions for centuries, it is rational to be hesitant now. Must resource existing leaders and orgs to offer truthful information & trust people to make own decisions. 4/5
And if your community hasn't brought your schools back, it is well past time. It is doable, it is safe, NYC has shown the way. Massive testing, masking, physical distance, and good ventilation. Time to double down on prioritizing our kids and doing it safely. end.
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