Since Kamala Harris is now VP, people have resumed using “identity politics” super flippantly — that is “identity politics” as shallow representation devoid of any material or social analysis — and I can’t help but ask: why this commitment to manipulate Black radical politics?
Especially in the wake of long-lasting Black movements against state sanctioned violence that Black radical thought is able to situate and understand.
It’s also not just liberals who do this, but those on the “left” as well. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen someone headline an article or talk about “identity politics” — when what they really mean is just representation.
The commitment to misunderstanding Black theory and movements are intentional IMO — and too many of y’all act in service of the distortions to ensure that actual Black liberation and justice are never really the focus of any discussions.
Even more: Talking about Kamala Harris and “identity politics” as simple representation given the election is just weird— since her support amongst Black people were negligible during the primary for substantial reasons
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