Today, Biden will sign an executive order raising the minimum wage for federal workers and contractors to $15/hour.

You have a "failed" union campaign -- and its incredible organizer to thank. 1/21
Instead, @SEIU organizer and strategist @DavidMRolf took the fight for a $15 minimum wage to the ballot in the small town of SeaTac, where the airport is located.

It won by just 77 votes!

Campaigns take money and time. @SEIU bet on this one and it was risky. Why?
Without organizing campaigns, unions cannot grow. But unions need members to support organizing campaigns. Would a national campaign to raise the minimum wage, that did not necessarily lead to more dues paying members, work? Bankrupt the union? A real debate at the time.
Rolf's answer was clear: "We believe it’s the mission of the labor movement to fight for all workers, not just those who are lucky enough to have a union,” Rolf said.
That also means the old-fashioned collective bargaining cannot be the only model for getting gains for workers.

This made Rolf "a pariah to some in labor." (not tagging the labor leader who said this part out loud).
The Fight for $15 @fightfor15 worked on low-wage service and retail work: fast food, home health care and childcare jobs, even adjunct university work. But these weren't traditional collective bargaining campaigns.
Full disclosure moment: former @SEIU925 organizing committee here.
It seemed crazy, really. In 2013, while Republicans and some Democrats in Congress during the Obama administration were refusing to talk about a $10 minimum wage, a national campaign said dream EVEN bigger. 13/21
It also seems crazy in retrospect: wean big unions off the model of getting new members by organizing workplaces to negotiate with bosses under increasingly weaker labor laws. 14/21
But here we are: US federal workers and contractors are getting a big bump in their minimum wage. How big? 15/21
Did anybody notice? It's more than DOUBLE.

Biden's action today is more than double the current federal minimum wage. 16/21
To be fair this increase by executive order is only for a small fraction of the US workforce. But it matters. Why? 17/21
This increase today matters because it helps us dream bigger for better minimum wage work. And it helps Federal workers and contractors negotiate for better wages. 18/21
When the minimum wage was raised in 1966 it helped wipe out 20% of the wage gap between Blacks and Whites over a 14 year period.

The minimum wage has not been raised in 12 years. What gap would be wiped out between Black and White wage if the federal minimum wage was $15?
If there is a lesson here: when the other side plays hardball, go big.

And there is power in a union. Especially in a creative one.

Congratulations @fightfor15 and @seiu 
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