In a whipsaw market, timing tools on shorter timeframes become less reliable. No need to make accurate predictions on before key levels are taken out.

No need to get depressed, wait for resolution.

Reshuffling weights in the PF was a good idea for the long run. I have more time for simultanious learning.

Leverage is down to a negligible allocation at 6%, down from 13%.

Physical is set⚡️

Amateurs tend to think that when a roadmap isn’t playing out NOW- immediately, they give up or lower expectations.

Exact the opposite is true.

When nobody expects, a trending move will develop and for many months longer as in our original roadmaps. We adapt along the way.

For now, the Nov 30 is intact so we respect that as the basecase.

Have a negroni, a boulevardier, a great craft 🍺 or some 🍷

Our time will come.

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