I was writing a story at the time for @michellelegro via @topicstories on the #plasticbag -- and trying to explain the conundrum bags posed to curbside comingled recycling systems: #wishcycling #plasticpollution 2/10

See: https://www.topic.com/american-beauties
The concept --that recycling, as organized, isn't the panacea we've hoped it be-- is a common topic in waste and discard studies. (See Samantha MacBride's Recycling Reconsidered or this update via @DiscardStudies: https://discardstudies.com/2019/02/11/12755/) #recycling #plasticpollution 3/10
In that story @ericroper explains how'd he'd heard the term from a man named Bill Keegan at a MN-based waste/recycling company called @Dem_Con. I recently contacted Bill and he replied the term may well have begun with him. #wishcycling 6/10

Source: http://green.nd.edu 
"I describe [wishcycling] as the act of walking to the curb with something that you are unsure if it can be recycled or not so you throw it in the recycling bin – wishing that it will be." -- BIll Keegan of @Dem_Con. 7/10
Anyway, wanted to share what I've learned in the process of trying to make accurate attributions for the terminology ( #wishcycling!) moving into the vernacular to describe this aspect of our collective reality. #plasticpollution #recycling #discardstudies / 9/10
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